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Case Reports
Delayed and recurrent surgical site infection from resorbed bone fragment after autologous cranioplasty: a case report
Jin Hoo Seok, Hae Won Roh, Jong Hyun Kim
J Trauma Inj. 2024;37(4):304-308.   Published online December 16, 2024
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Decompressive craniectomy is one of the most common procedures for managing severe traumatic brain injury. Cranioplasty plays a vital role in restoring the integrity of the skull and preventing complications that may arise after a decompressive craniectomy. This case report presents a 24-year-old woman who underwent cranioplasty with a cryopreserved autologous bone flap. Initially successful, the procedure was later complicated by a delayed surgical site infection and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus osteomyelitis, ultimately resulting in complete resorption of the bone flap. The report discusses the consequences of autologous bone flap resorption and surgical site infection, highlighting the critical need for effective sterilization and proper bone storage techniques. This case emphasizes the necessity of exploring alternative strategies to improve cranioplasty outcomes and minimize the risk of infection.
Management of a traumatic avulsion fracture of the occipital condyle in polytrauma patient in Korea: a case report
Chang Hwa Ham, Woo-Keun Kwon, Joo Han Kim, Youn-Kwan Park, Jong Hyun Kim
J Trauma Inj. 2023;36(2):147-151.   Published online December 8, 2022
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Avulsion fracture of the occipital condyle are rare lesion at craniovertebral junction. It is often related to high-energy traumatic injuries and show diverse clinical presentations. Neurologic deficit and instabilities may justify surgical treatment. However, the integrity of neurovascular structures is undervalued in the current literatures. In this case report, we described a 26-year-old female patient with avulsion fracture of occipital condyle following a traffic accident. On initial presentation, her Glasgow Coma Scale was 8. She presented with fracture compound comminuted depressed, on the left side of her forehead with skull base fracture extending into clivus and occipital condyle. Her left occipital condyle showed avulsion injury with displacement deep into the skull base. On her computed tomography angiography, the displaced occipital condyle compressed on the sigmoid sinus resulting in its obstruction. While she was recovering her consciousness during her stay in the hospital, the lower cranial nerves showed dysfunctions corresponding to Collet-Sicard syndrome. Due to high risk of vascular injury, the patient was conservatively treated for the occipital condyle fracture. On the 4 months postdischarge follow-up, her cranial nerve symptoms practically recovered, and the occipital condyle showed signs of fusion without further displacement. Current literatures focus on neurologic deficit and stability for the surgical decisions. However, it is also important to evaluate the neurovascular integrity to assess the risk of its manipulation as it may result in fatal outcome. This case shows, an unstable avulsion occipital condyle fracture with neurologic deficit can be treated conservatively and show a favorable outcome.
Original Article
Outcomes of Cranioplasty Using Autologous Bone or 3D-Customized Titanium Mesh Following Decompressive Craniectomy for Traumatic Brain Injury: Differences in Complications
Junwon Kim, Jang Hun Kim, Jong Hyun Kim, Taek-Hyun Kwon, Haewon Roh
J Trauma Inj. 2019;32(4):202-209.   Published online December 30, 2019
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  • 6 Citations
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Cranioplasty (CP) is often required for survival after decompressive craniectomy. Several materials, including autologous bone and various artificial materials, have been introduced for CP, but it remains unclear which material is best for CP. This study aimed to explore differences in complications between patients who underwent CP using an autologous bone flap versus a three-dimensional (3D) titanium mesh and to identify significant risk factors for post-CP complications.


In total, 44 patients were enrolled in this study and divided into two groups (autologous bone vs. 3D titanium mesh). In both groups, various post-CP complications were evaluated. Through a comparative analysis, we aimed to identify differences in complications between the two groups and, using binary logistic analysis, to determine significant factors associated with complications after CP.


In the autologous bone flap group, there were three cases of surgical infection (3/24, 12.5%) and 11 cases of bone flap resorption (BFR) (11/24, 45.83%). In the 3D titanium mesh group, there was only one case of surgical infection (1/20, 5%) and 11 cases of various complications, including mainly cosmetic issues (11/20, 55%). A subgroup risk factor analysis of CP with an autologous bone flap showed no risk factors that predicted BFR with statistical significance, although a marginal association was found between larger bone flaps and BFR (odds ratio [OR]=1.037, p=0.090). In patients treated with a 3D titanium mesh, multivariate analysis revealed that only the existence of a ventriculo-peritoneal shunt system was strongly associated with overall post-CP complications (OR=18.66, p=0.021).


Depending on which material was used, different complications could occur, and the rate of complications was relatively high in both groups. Hence, the material selected for CP should be selected based on individual patients’ conditions.



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Case Reports
A Successful Evacuation of Vertex Epidural Hematoma; A Case Report
Jang Hun Kim, Haewon Roh, Jong Hyun Kim, Taek Hyun Kwon
J Trauma Inj. 2017;30(3):98-102.   Published online October 30, 2017
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Vertex epidural hematoma (VEH) is an uncommon presentation of all epidural hematomas and presents with a wide range of symptom and signs. Diagnosis as well as treatment of VEH is also difficult because of its location adjacent to superior sagittal sinus (SSS). A 43-year-old male visited our hospital after fall down and was diagnosed with VEH. While evaluating its location and patency of SSS, he was deteriorated and urgently underwent evacuation of VEH. Bilateral craniotomies on each side, leaving a central bony island to avoid bleeding of midline structure and provide an anchor for dural tack-ups. After the operation, VEH was totally removed and the patient has restored.
Bilateral Oculomotor Nerve Palsy after Head Trauma: A Case Report
Hae Won Noh, Jae Young Song, Jong Hyun Kim, Jang Hun Kim
J Trauma Inj. 2017;30(2):66-69.   Published online June 30, 2017
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We introduce a patient who was suffered from isolated traumatic bilateral oculomotor nerve palsy after head trauma. The patient presented with bilateral ptosis and abnormal pupilary responses with slightly drowsy mentality at first. Performed images demonstrated some hematomas along subarachnoid, intraventricular, subdural spaces and multiple small supratentorial contusions. There was no bony abnormality or ligament injury. We assumed that small amount of interpeduncular hematoma might be the proper lesion associated with oculomotor nerve palsies, since the clinical symptom and signs presented bilaterally and the oculomotor neural fascicles run through the interpeduncular fossa.

J Trauma Inj : Journal of Trauma and Injury