First aids on scene and field triage are required to multiple injured patients. So well tra-ined EMT(Emergency Medical Technician) and Emergency car equipped with emergent medical equipments are need for pre? hospital stabilization of patients. Especially in Kan-won-Do, there has been high incidence of traffic accident and relatively higher mortality in comparison to injury severity because of geographic characteristics. Over a 4-month period 1.083 multiple trauma patients admitted to the Wonju Christian HospitaJ were studied pro-spectively. The patients transported by car without emergency treatment were likely to show higher mortality (18/264) than those transported by ambulance after emergency treatment at regional hospital (36/819). And patients transported within 1 hour were lik-ely to show good result than those transported above 1 hour. Althogh the causes of death in severe injured patients (lSS≥16) are head injury, hemorrhage and chest injury, thoses in mild injured patients (ISS<16) are airway probl ms that were prevental death by rapid airway control on scene. I conclude that trauma triage system or EMS (Emergency Medical Serivces) systems would be oranized in recent time and trauma center with trauma team is need for multiple trauna patients.
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