The abdominal trauma index(ATI) is a method of quantifying the risk following abdominal trauma. The index is calculated by the sum of the individual organ scores which are calculated by assigning a risk factor to each organ injured and then multiplying this by a severity of injury estimate. We reviewed 103 patients undergoing laparotomy for abdominal trauma at the Yong Dong Severance Hospital from 1983 to 1988. This series were analyzed by scoring of ATI. The result of our study showed that, when the ATI was 25 or less the morbidity rate following abdominal trauma was 18%, whereas 50% of morbidity rate when the ATI exceded 25, and the mortality rates of each group were 3% and 20%, respectively. Thlis objective assessment of the risk of complication following abdominal trauma would assist the identification of high risk patient and appropriate allocation of operative and postoperative care. Moreover, as a field triage, ATI may assist in decision of transfer of patients to various medical care units. Using the ATl, comparison of the qualities of emergency systems would be justificably analyzed by the objective scoring system.
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