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HOME > J Trauma Inj > Volume 28(3); 2015 > Article
Correlation between Young and Burgess Classification and Transcatheter Angiographic Embolization in Severe Trauma Patients
Yong Han Cha, Young Hoon Sul, Ha Yong Kim, Won Sik Choy
J Trauma Inj 2015;28(3):144-148
Published online: September 30, 2015
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1Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Eulji University Hospital, Daejeon, Korea.
2Department of Surgery, Eulji University Hospital, Daejeon, Korea.
Received: 5 August 2015   • Revised: 24 August 2015   • Accepted: 4 October 2015
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Immediate identification of vascular injury requiring embolization in patients with pelvic bone fracture isn't an easy task. There have been many trials finding indicators of embolization for patients with pelvic bone fracture. Although Young and Burgess classification is useful in decision making of treatment, it is reported to have little value as indicator of embolization in major trauma patients. The aim of this study is to find out Young and burgess classification on predicting vessel injury by analzyng pelvic radiograph taken from major trauma patients with pelvic bone fracture.
Among major trauma patients with injury severity scores (ISS) higher than 15 who visited our emergency room from January 2011 to June 2014, 200 patients were found with pelvic bone fracture in trauma series and thus pelvic CT angiography was taken. Setting aside patients with exclusion criteria, 153 patients were enrolled in this study for analysis of Young and Burgess classification.
The most common mechanism of injury was lateral compression in both groups. There was no statistical significant difference in Young and Burgess classification (p=0.397). The obturator artery was the most commonly injured artery in both groups. Six patients had more than one site of bleeding.
Prediction of transcatheter angiographic embolization using Young and Burgess classification in severe trauma patients is difficult and requires additional studies.

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