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HOME > J Korean Soc Traumatol > Volume 16(1); 2003 > Article
The Evaluation of the Hospital Transfer Adequacy to the Tertiary Hospital in Trauma Patients
J Korean Soc Traumatol 2003;16(1):37-42
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Department of Emergency Medicine, Department of Surgery*, Asan Medical Center
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Multiple trauma patients should be triaged properly by simple triage method like a triage score(TS) or revised trauma score(RTS) at the primary hospital. Severely injured patients(TS <9 or t-RTS <12) should be transferred to the tertiary hospital as early as possible. This study was designed to evaluate whether major trauma patients were adequately transferred to the tertiary hospital according to trama guidelines. Method: All trauma patients transferred to Asan Medical Center(AMC) were analyzed from March 1, 2003 to May 31, 2003. TS, t-RTS, injury severity score(ISS), transfer time from primary hospital to AMC were checked prospectively. Golden transfer time was defined as arrival time within 1 hour after accident. The presence of transfer note or laboratory(radiologic) results was also checked. ISS above 16, TS below 8, t-RTS below 11, and ICU admission cases were considered as the major trauma. Major trauma patients were compared with other variables to evaluated the adequacy of patient transfer. Result: Overall 324 cases, 38 cases(10.2%) were major trauma. Mean ISS was 6.0±0.6, The cases of ISS above 16 were 32 cases in number and occupied 9.9%, ISS below 15 were 292 cases (90.1%). No major trauma patients were transferred within golden time. Conclusion: All major trauma patients were not transferred within the golden transfer time. Multiple trauma patients were inadequately transferred to tertiary hospital in the aspect of time delay, unnecessary prehospital evaluations such as laboratory and radiologic examination. In primary hospital, major trauma patients should be triaged by TS or t-RTS and be transferred as
soon as primary survey of ATLS was finished.

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