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Volume 2(1); June 1989
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Treatment of the Shoulder Fractures
Han Koo Lee, Sang Hoon Lee, Phil Hyun Chung, Suk Joo Lyu, Min Jong Park
J Korean Soc Traumatol. 1989;2(1):1-12.
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Sixty-two patients with fractures of the shoulder (22 clavicular fractures, 36 proximal humeral fractures and 4 scapular fractures) were treated at Department of Orthopedic Surgery, College of Medicine, Seoul National University between January, 1978 and October 1988. They were followed up between six months and three and half years with the aver-age of 1.2 years. Mean ages were 34.8 years in clavicular fractures, 52.9 years in proximal humeral fractures and 37.6 years in scapular fractures. Traffic accident was the most common cause of injury in all the shoulder fractures. In clavicular fractures, twelve were middle third and ten were lateral third fractures (four type I and six type II). Proximal humeral fractures were classified according to Neer``s classification, there were seven one-part(20%), seventeen two-part(41%), eight three-part(22%) and four four-part(11%) fractures or fracture-dislocations. In scapular fractures, there were two body fractures, one neck and one complex fractures involving the glenoid. Treatment and its results were as follows; 1. In clavicular fractures, middle third fractures were treated conservatively except two, which was unable to manually reduced. Type I lateral fractures were treated by closed method and type II by open method. 2. Complications of clavicular fractures were one nonunion, two malunion, one delayed union and one stiff joint in middle third fractures, and one broken pin, one loss of fix-ation in type II lateral third fractures. 3. In proximal humeral fractures, one-part and two-part fractures were treated conserva-tively except two old two-part fracture-dislocations. Three-part fractures were treated by open method except two with closed method and four-part fractures by two open method and two prosthesis. 4. Clinically, thirty-two(89%) proximal humeral fractures showed excellent or satisfac-tory tory results. 5. In scapular fractures, one glenoid fracture were treated by open method and others conservatively. All showed satisfactory union of fractures.
Necrotizing Fasciitis of Perineum
Jae Moon Bae, Sung Han Bae, Yeo Kyu Youn, Sang Joon Kim, Jin Pok Kim
J Korean Soc Traumatol. 1989;2(1):13-31.
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Sixteen patients with necrotizing fasciitis of the perineum were treated at the Seoul National University Hospital from 1980 to 1988. Necrotizing fasciitis(N.F) occured predominantly in males(N : F= 14: 2), and the age of patients was even in distribution. These infections were caused by illicit injection for hemorrhoids, postoperative complica-tion, perianal abscess, fish bone impaction, bladder rupture due to traffic accident, and spontaneously in a half of patients. Necrotizing fasciitis is a rare disease that involves both superfical and deep fascia. It begins with fascial necrosis at onset and rapidly progresses to surrounding fascial planes, eventually involving overlying skin and underlying muscle. Escherichia coli was the most predominant organism cultured from the wounds in 12 patients. Other organism cultured were Pseudomonas enterococcus, streptococcus in orders of decreasing frequency. The accompanying disease was most commonly diabetes mellitus but perianal diseases such hemorrhoids and anal fistulas also occurred Its hospital course was quite long(mean : 60. 9 days) and showed high morbidity(6). The most definitive treatment was multiple incision and complete surgical removal of all necrotic tissue until the normal plane was reached. Reconstructive procedures such as skin graft and musculo cutaneous flap were necessary for 11 patients. None of the 16 patients died of the disease.
Double-Blind study of Effect of Elcation in Osteoporosis Patients with Low Back Pain
Se Il Suk, Sang Hoon Lee, Kyung Hoi Koo
J Korean Soc Traumatol. 1989;2(1):20-45.
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Calcitonin, which prevents bone loss by inhibitory action on bone resorption, has been introduced in therapeutics for osteoporosis. While may studies revealed its analgesic effect on lumbago. whether or not calcitonin is capable of improving osteoporosis still remains to be investigated. The efficacy of calcitonin on lumbago and osteoporosis was evaluated with randomized double-blind. placebo controlled method in 56 patients with osteoporosis, who suffered lumbago. 10 unit elcatonin or placebo (lml saline) was injected intramuscularly, two times a week for 4 weeks. The patients were interviewed for evaluation of low back pain before treatment, 2weeks, 4weeks, 8weeks and 12weeks after beginning treatment. Also bone mass was measured with single photon absorptiometry, before and 12weeks after beginning treatment.
교통사고 예방 및 대책에 대한 워크샵
J Korean Soc Traumatol. 1989;2(1):27-55.
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우리나라 도로교통사고의 현황과 예방대책
J Korean Soc Traumatol. 1989;2(1):30-64.
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도로교통사고환자(道路交通事故患者)의 응급의료대책(應急醫療對策)
J Korean Soc Traumatol. 1989;2(1):36-76.
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교통사고의 재활문제
J Korean Soc Traumatol. 1989;2(1):42-83.
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도로교통사고와 관련되는 보상문제
J Korean Soc Traumatol. 1989;2(1):43-94.
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J Trauma Inj : Journal of Trauma and Injury