During the two years from 1st. Jan. 1984 to 31th. Dec. 1985, we evaluated the 1,685 traffic accident victims who visited the emergency room of Kyung Hee Medical Center and Seoul National University Hospital. The results were as follows: 1.The highest incidence was in the ages of twenties to thirities and the sex ratio was 64:36, predomi-nant in male. 2.The highest month and seasonal incidence were October and during Autumn. The real accident time was more frequent during the evening, from 18 o``clock to 20 o``clock. 3.The pedestrian injury was more prevalent than passenger injury. 4.The 28.5% of accident victims was arrived at the E.R. within 30 minutes after injury. 5.The kinds of injury of the accident victims were abrasion, contusion and cerebral concusion in orders. 6.The abdominal injury following traffic accident.was 4.9% of all injury and the small bowel injury was most frequently involved by the ratio of 28.5%.
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