1Department of Trauma Surgery, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Incheon, Korea
2Department of Surgery, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Incheon, Korea
Copyright © 2017 The Korean Society of Trauma
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Age/sex | Predisposing factor |
Mechanism | Clinical finding |
CT finding | Associated injury | Treatment | Outcome | |
Linuma et al. (2006)[ |
39/M | N/S | Crush injury | Severe epigastric pain, severe abdominal tenderness, elevation of WBC, LFT, LDH | Extravasation from a minor tear of CA | None | Surgical ligation | D/C at POD #16 |
Kirchhoff et al. (2007)[ |
66/M | N/S | MVA | Liver failure (PID #6) | CA flap with wall hematoma CA-CHA thrombosis, liver necrosis |
TBI, MRF, bilateral HPTx | None | Death d/t fulminant hepatic failure (HOD #7) |
Suchak et al. (2007) [ |
41/M | Hypertension | MVA - rollover | Severe epigastric pain (PID #2) | Intimal flap in proximal CA | Muscle contusion | Endovascular self-expandable stent | Symptom resolved after stent |
Gorra et al. (2009) [ |
29/M | N/S | Fall (9 m) | Midback pain, mild LFT elevation | CA dissection with periarterial stranding | Humerus Fx., pelvic Fx., pulmonary contusion | Anticoagulation (heparin → warfarin) 3 Mo | f/u CT (3 Mo) : complete occlusion of CA with collateral flow to branches |
Laeseke and Gayer (2012) [ |
47/M | N/S | Motorcycle TA (abdomen hit by handle bar) | Mild epigastric, LUQ pain, feeling of distension, nausea elevation of LFT, lipase | Intimal injury and focal thrombus involving distal CA, proximal CHA, SA | None | Aspirin 81 mg | Lost to f/u |
Sarkar et al. (2012) [ |
26/M | N/S | MVA - ejected from vehicle | No symptoms | Focal dissection near origin of CA | Open tibia fibula Fx., MRF, L1-L3 TP Fx. | Anticoagulation (enoxaparin → warfarin) 3 Mo | f/u CT (3 Mo): complete resolution of dissection |
Rosenthal et al. (2015) [ |
26/M | N/S | Fall (46 m) into a river | No symptoms, LFT elevation | 85% stenosis of CA, Dissection 7 mm from CA origin Adjacent soft tissue stranding |
PTx, hemurus Fx., T4, T5 Fx., talus Fx., MRF | Aspirin 81 mg | f/u CT (1 week) : persistent CA dissection, moderate stenosis |
Present case 1 | 68/M | Old age | Bicycle TA -with a motorcycle | Epigastric pain mild elevation of LFT, LDH | Focal intimal flap : 1 cm distal to CA origin to trifurcation | MRF, L2-3 TP Fx. | Aspirin 100 mg, 3 Mo | D/C at HOD #6, symptom free for 18 Mo |
Present case 2 | 49/M | Mild atherosclerosis on CT | Motorcycle TA | Epigastric pain radiating to left back (PID #8) | CA dissection with focal thrombus Narrowing of CHA and SA with perivascular soft tissue stranding |
Thigh contusion | Anticoagulation (heparin, 3 days) → aspirin 100 mg 3 Mo | D/C at HOD #4 symptom-free for 1 Mo |
CT: computed tomography, M: male, S: none specified, WBC: white blood cell, LFT: liver function test, LDH: lactate dehydrogenase, CA: celiac artery, D/C: discharge, POD: postoperative day, MVA: motor vehicle accident, PID: post-injury day, CHA: common hepatic artery, TBI: traumatic brain injury, MRF: multiple rib fracture, HPTx: hemopneumothorax, HOD: hospital day, Fx.: fracture, Mo: month, f/u: follow-up, TA: traffic accident, LUQ: left upper quadrant, TP: transverse process, SA: splenic artery. Presence of known predisposing factors of arterial dissection. All symptoms, signs, and laboratory result that are possibly related to celiac artery dissection in each case are listed.